Talk about the respect, the reputation or the brand name, whatever Ambani Orgochem is today is because of the society. Hence it has always been our belief to give back what has been earned and contribute towards building a stronger and sustainable community. AOL has a work culture that consistently intends to help and uplift the economic, social and environmental aspects of the society. Sustainable and renewable working environment has been a key aspect in our organization while on the same hand we have always restricted ourselves from releasing hazardous chemicals in the society. We believe and practice that all fire accidents, explosions and the release of other forms of hazardous energy are completely avoidable.
Sustainability has been integrated in our work culture since the very beginning of the establishment of Ambani Orgochem. While solvent base emulsion were an integral part of the Indian Industrial Market, we still decided to venture in Green Chemistry and go ahead with the manufacturing of water base chemicals. Although planet earth is being limited by resources our ambitions and imaginations are never restricted, but are fueled to overcome new limitations. All corners of the organization have willingly made Corporate Citizenship an integral part of their work ethic. This organization operates to enhancing the quality of life of the people inside and outside this organization. The commitments we make to our customers and the material that we supply have strings attached to us being affectionate to the people and environment around us. To strongly abide with our commitments to Responsible Corporate Citizenship, the products we manufacture are APEO Free and Low VOC. Due to these! practices, our commitment and knowledge towards green chemistry is stronger than ever before.
Insights & Innovation
2018 – Acquisition of Om Maruti Glasswool and Wirenetting Product Pvt Ltd , N43, MIDC, Tarapur.
2018 – Our Company converted to a Public Limited Company and proposed listing of our shares on the EMERGE Platform of the National Stock Exchange
27.09.2018 – 1st Annual General Meeting after Public issue.
2016 – Obtained GOTS (Global Organics Textile Standards) Certification for Range of Products in Textile Industry.
2017 – Shifted R & D Facility to Registered Office N44, MIDC, Tarapur and upgraded the same with latest laboratory equipment to support research work.
2018 -Diversified production to Metal Octoate to increase product range in paint industry and to enter in to FRP Industry.
March 2019 – Manufacturing of the Peroxide products started.